About Us

The Pike Place Market Creamery is a health-minded dairy shop located in the Market. We believe in eating good foods to feel good. We also believe in tasty, pure foods that don’t let your taste buds suffer in the name of health.

We support local farms with cows, goats, and hens for most of our products. We also sell many items from other states to provide you with a wider selection of fresh and cultured dairy. We’re starting our 44th year in business.

Find us in the Sanitary Market on the east side of the cobblestone street behind Jack’s Fish Spot and next to Three Girls Bakery.

‘The Store of Alternatives’

We believe in personalized service to help you choose what’s best for your particular diet. I like to call our shop ‘The Store of Alternatives’ as we offer so many choices.


We offer milk in glass bottles: whole, 2%, chocolate, and strawberry. We also have raw cow or goat milk, vat pasteurized, unhomogenized, organic and then the usual pasteurized and homogenized. We also carry non-dairy milks; coconut, almond, soy, oat and hemp.


We stock many types of delicious butters; salted/unsalted, organic, cultured, pastured, or with sea salt. Many of these are European style, meaning less water content. We stock Irish, Danish, French, and Vegan butters.


We sell lots of local eggs that have great flavor and chubby yolks. We offer white & brown eggs – from medium to jumbo. You can buy one egg, if that is all you need, or buy the half dozen, dozen or the case. Most all are from free-running hens and some get out to pasture for fresh grass and bugs. We stock Quail eggs and seasonally have Duck eggs. We sell empty Ostrich eggshells as fresh Ostrich eggs are difficult to source.


We have a yummy selection of active culture yogurts; full fat to nonfat, cream on top, and strained. Each one differs slightly depending on the culture, the butterfat, and what is used to stabilize the yogurt. We stock kefir also known as the ‘Wonder Drink’ cause it soothes stomachs irritated by ulcers, coffee or nerves. It even helps hangovers and your body can assimilate it quickly.


We have cottage cheese, cream cheese, mascarpone, heavy creams, English Double Devon cream, Clotted cream, creme fraiche, labne (also known as kefir cheese), sour cream or 1/2 & 1/2 that is excellent for quiche, coffee or soups. We have a nice selection of raw milk cheeses and some goat milk cheeses plus individual portions of cheese, sour cream, and cream cheese.

Vegan options, Dressings and More!

We have tofu, vegan grain sausages, butter, cheese, Jerquee, snack bars, broth, maple syrup and hummus. There are several delicious salad dressings and mayonnaise (and yes, vegan salad dressing and Veganaise). We stock many of the wonderful Britt’s Pickle products from Whidbey Island such as pickles, sauerkraut, and kimchee.

Look behind the counter! We have various grocery items: chips, honey, peanut butter, evaporated or condensed milk, olive oil and apple cider vinegar.

Refreshing Drinks!

Coconut waters, bottled juices, kombucha, assorted still, sparkling and mineral waters, energy drinks, natural sodas, unique collection of ginger or root beers and mate to satisfy your thirst. Our local Chai is delicious, CBD drinks and Odyssey Mushroom elixir are extremely popular!

Ice Cream

Ice cream is happy food and we do have some in pints, bars and sandwiches! Currently, we stock Haagen Dazs, natural fruit popsicles, pre-packaged ice cream cones and Tofutti Cuties.