Free Speech Area
Free Speech Area
The Free Speech Area is available to non-profit organizations on a first-come/first serve basis to individuals and groups.
It’s located on the west side of the pergola at the north end of Pike Place Market. Look for the yellow dots on the ground indicating the space. (Map It)
This space is set aside to allow non-profit organizations to use it every day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Organizations must request use of the space before they are allowed to use it.
Please read program guidelines here before requesting use dates.
Guidelines for Use of the Free Speech Area
The Free Speech Area is available to non-profit organizations under the following guidelinesOPERATING HOURS
The space located on the west side of the pergola at the north end of the Market shall be set aside for this use Sunday through Saturday by 9am to 4:00pm. Adequate circulation in the front of the sidewalk must be left for pedestrians.
The space is available at no charge. Only donations to organized political or charitable entities are permitted. If you will be accepting donations on behalf of a political or non-profit organization, the PDA must verify the non-profit status of that organization prior to your first scheduled day.
A container clearly marked “Donations” is permitted for use by those who wish to contribute. You may not actively or verbally solicit donations. Donations for the personal benefit of the speaker are strictly prohibited. Any sales transactions are also prohibited. No sale of food or merchandise is permitted or authorized at this location.
The space is available to individuals and groups on a first-come/first serve basis. To reserve the space, the group representative must apply.
Groups are limited to one Saturday and one Sunday per month. Groups shall be limited to one day per week, for a maximum of 4 days per month. You may only reserve a space (1) month in advance of requested date.
Group Size
- Groups shall be limited to no more than three people at the table at one time.
Group Activities
- Groups may collect signatures and have conversations concerning the issues being presented.
- While it is permissible to discuss political issues and to offer political “performances” (subject to noise restrictions), the space is not a street performer space. Street performers must obtain a Performer Permit, and are subject to the rules and regulations thereof.
- Noise volume must be moderate so that there is no interference with neighboring businesses or buskers. Bullhorns, amplified sound systems, music, chanting, loud speeches, and excessively disruptive behavior are prohibited.
Signage & Equipment
- Groups must provide their own table and chair(s), all of which must remain within the perimeters of the Free Speech Space at all times.
- Groups shall be permitted to display literature signage, and literature must be contained to table space only.
Read program Terms & Conditions, here.
How to Apply
Click the button below to fill out a short application form. Applications will be kept on file for 12 months. Please read our program guidelines here before applying.