Wednesday Night Comedy ft. Ying Vigilan, James Manring, hosted by Duante Barnett
Wednesday, August 28
Join The Rabbit Box for Wednesday Night Comedy featuring Ying Vigilan and James Manring, hosted by Duante Barnett!
Doors at 6pm / Showtime 7pm
A rising star in comedy, Ying‘s storytelling and observational comedy will take you on a rollercoaster ride of laughter non-stop. Always brilliant, her materials cover being a single mom, an OG immigrant, and being an engineer for 26 years hilarious stories.
James Manring is a Navy Veteran from Ohio who embraced Washington as his new home when he was stationed here in 2003. He is a storyteller and observational comic who thinks a little differently than most and likes to point out the ironic moments and hilarious double standards in life.
Duante ‘Suitman’ Barnett a Seattle, WA native. He owns and operates SuitMan Productions, and his first original show idea, Deaf Comedy Jam, was inspired by his own hearing loss and offered a show that unites both the hearing and non-hearing communities.
$15 adv. / $20 dos